Wayang Ugrasena

The Courageous and Just King.

Wayang Ugrasena, also known as Setyaboma, is a revered figure in the world of Javanese wayang kulit (shadow puppetry). As the king of the Lesanpura kingdom, he embodies the ideals of wisdom, fairness, and unwavering courage.

Physical Characteristics

Wayang Ugrasena is often depicted with a mature, noble face. His refined features and gentle expression represent his inner peace and strength as a leader. His stance is typically upright and composed, highlighting his self-assuredness. Ugrasena's attire, like his crown and other adornments, signify his royal status.

Symbolism and Meaning

  • Leadership: Wayang Ugrasena symbolizes the model of a just and righteous ruler. His actions prioritize his people's well-being, and he does not hesitate to defend his kingdom from threats.

  • Moral Compass: He often serves as a voice of reason, offering guidance during conflicts and mediating disputes within the Pandawa family.

  • Courage in Adversity: Despite facing personal tragedies and challenges, Ugrasena maintains an unwavering determination to fulfill his duty to his people.

Stories in the Wayang

Wayang Ugrasena plays a prominent role in several wayang stories, including:

  • Guru Dewa Ruci: Ugrasena, sensing his mortality, sends his son Bima on a quest for true immortality. This journey leads to Bima's transformative encounter with Dewa Ruci, highlighting the importance of inner wisdom.

  • The Birth of Gatotkaca: Ugrasena's grandson, Gatotkaca, born to Bima and Arimbi, is a mighty warrior embodying bravery and loyalty.

  • Baratayuda War: Though a staunch supporter of the Pandawa cause, Ugrasena tragically falls on the battlefield. His sacrifice exemplifies the cost of war and the unwavering commitment to righteousness.

Beyond the Puppet

Ugrasena's leadership and unwavering spirit offer valuable lessons even in contemporary times. Consider his story as a reminder of the importance of wise governance, standing for what is right, and the strength that comes from inner conviction.

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